Author Topic: Notice: Problem in some Geiger Shield PCBs prevent microSD from working . . .  (Read 14548 times)


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Some PCB boards shipped in shield kits between 14/12/11 and 20/3/12 have an area of the ground plane that is not connected to ground. This causes a “CARD !” message at startup and the card cannot be written to.

The little piece of backplane on the left side of IC2 is an island, and it is not connected to ground. Therefore, pin 4 of the chip is not receiving a ground.

To fix the problem, bridge the two backplanes with a little piece of wire soldered between them. You will need to scrape off the red surface finish before soldering. (right pic shows a quick and dirty fix)

« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 01:13:40 AM by boxtec-support »

